Ceiling fan can be an important unit that you should install in your property. This fan can help you improve the air circulation inside your room or space effectively. However, this unit may have some common problems that have to be treated immediately. When this ceiling fan has wobbling problem, you need to treat this issue as quickly as you can. Wobbling or unstable movement can be very dangerous for you and all other people inside your property. Here are some useful tips that you should follow, especially if you want to stop your ceiling fan from wobbling around.
1. Turn off the electricity
This is the most important thing that you should do, especially when you are ready to fix your ceiling fan. You need to turn off the electricity current in your property, so you are able to reduce the risk of getting electrocuted. Make sure that you turn off the electricity from the main power source. Don’t forget to let it stay for a few minutes before you start your project. After you are sure that there is no electricity current on the fan, you can simply proceed to the next procedure for stabilizing your ceiling fan movement.
2. Tighten all screws
It can be the easiest way for you to fix this problem. This issue can be caused by unstable screw attachment on this device. When this situation occurs, it is going to be very dangerous for all users. You can simply take a look at all screws that are attached to the fan blade. Make sure that you tighten all attaching screws properly, in order to provide the best and stable position for your ceiling fan. You can simply use your own screwdriver when you want to tighten all screws of your ceiling fan. You have to be careful when you do this simple tip, in order to complete this procedure easily.
3. Replace all blades
Damaged or broken blades can also cause unstable movement on your unit. Because of this reason, you may need to replace all broken blades on your ceiling fan immediately. Make sure that you purchase the best blades that are compatible with your own fan. You can find any types of blades that are available these days. Different fan blades may have their own features or benefits that are very useful for all customers. You need to follow the right instruction, so you are able to install any types of blades on your ceiling fan correctly.
4. Clean your ceiling fan
When your ceiling fan is dirty, it may have unstable movement in your daily life. Some impurities, such as dust, dirt, and many other impurities can affect the overall movement of this ceiling fan. Therefore, you need to remove all impurities from your ceiling fan. You can use high quality vacuum cleaner for removing all types of impurities from your device. Make sure that you purchase the best portable vacuum cleaner, in order to complete this procedure easily. Portable vacuum cleaner is very useful to make you feel comfortable, especially when you clean your fan regularly.
5. Balance the blades
There are some cases when your blades are not in the balance position. When this situation occurs, you need to fix this problem immediately. Make sure that you learn about how to balance the blades of your ceiling fan completely. You can use small weight, such as washer or coin, in order to keep your blades balance. Make sure that all blades are installed correctly on your ceiling fan. They should have proper and balance position, so they can move steadily and properly. Stable blade movement can help you reduce the risk of getting wobbling problem on your fan.
6. Fix the canopy of your fan
It is also possible for you to have some problems with your canopy position. When this canopy is not placed on your ceiling fan correctly, it can also cause unstable movement on your fan. Therefore, you need to learn about how you can fix the canopy of your fan completely. You should follow the right procedure for installing the right canopy on your fan. When it is necessary, you can also use screws for tightening the whole canopy on your ceiling fan completely. Fixing the canopy position is proven to be effective to reduce the wobbling movement in your ceiling fan.
7. Fine tune your ceiling fan
When you can see small unstable movement on your ceiling fan, you can do fine tuning for your device. This procedure is very useful to help you make some adjustments, especially in weight and position of your ceiling fan. There are some fine tuning tools that are available today. You can select the best tool that can help you solve this unstable movement effectively. You can use balancing kit for fine tuning your ceiling fan completely. This is another useful procedure that you can follow, especially if you want to fix the movement of your fan easily.
8. Replace your fan
If you are unable to make any changes or adjustments on your fan, you should replace your unit immediately. Replacing this unit can help you stop the wobbling movement immediately. You can buy the best ceiling fan from any resources, for example online stores, retailers, home improvement stores, and many other places. However, you need to make sure that your new fan is compatible with your electricity system in your home. Don’t forget to read the installation instruction, so you can install your new fan correctly.
Hiring the best fan installation service can help you solve any wobbling problems on your fan completely. You have to choose the best company that has some professional experts or workers in this industry. They are ready to help you solve any unstable movement on your ceiling fan. It is recommended for you to fix this problem as soon as possible, in order to get a lot of benefits from your own ceiling fan. You can contact some professional service companies, so you can ask about all available ceiling fan service companies in Singapore easily.